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.Youth Future Project

Seed of life supported the conference of the Youth Future Project in Bonn.

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"We are only what we do, not what we say we are."

Ingo Ballmann


.Youth Future Project

September 14th - 19th, 2010

Our future influences especially our youth. That is why Seed of life supports the "Youth Future Project" and helps them develop new ideas and concepts to find a way for the youth to move into the process of change and live a happy life in tune with the natural laws of life.

"The "Youth Future Project" has an enormous power, which, being lead by its team, asks totally new questions and allows a real exchange on equal terms between the youth and the award receivers of the Alternative Nobel Price."
Ingo Ballmann


.Seed of life - Get-together | Stuttgart

14th of July, 2010

Experience on a personal level how we can affect change and how you can be the change you’ve always wanted to see. We will create and answer new questions, discuss possible projects and have a good time together.

.Dreamboard - Where dreams come true!

May 20th, 2010

We all have dreams.
What is yours?

This page will bring together the dreamer and the person who will make it come true. So there will be more bright-eyed people. On both sides.

.Lebensgut Pommritz

March 11th-13th, 2010

Meeting with Dr. Maik Hosang. Concept development of new forms of education which teach next to practical training and an accredited degree also other topics such as values, humaneness and self-confidence.


February 28th - March 4th, 2010

Meeting at the University in Spitzbergen to discuss possible options of collaboration on the following topics:

  • Sustainability research: Co2
  • Weather phenomena and their impact
  • Holistic concepts for firms
  • How can we absorb deeper into our consciousness, that manufacturing has an impact on the environment?
  • Possible cooperation for collective projects and endorsements
  • How can we assist jointly in more interdisciplinary projects?


Seed of Life is a free, international movement, creative and non-violent, which advances new human perspectives, which makes a contribution, so that the different points of view can unite, so that new companies, products and perspectives can come into being which will help us to understand that we are the guardians of life. Our central focus is the value of life. We are the change that we want to see in the world. Everyone for themselves, and yet together. For life!