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.Youth Future Project

Seed of life supported the conference of the Youth Future Project in Bonn.

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"I´m the free speech, the truth, the core of all persons, the life inside every human existence."




"We are not here because the earth needs us, but because we need the earth."

Our world is changing. Like a living organism, the world seems to breathe – in and out. And at the moment, we are experiencing that the breath of the world is changing direction.

The direction of things is changing.

We've had enough of the old world. The former victors, the greed for more and more – for more friendships, more money, for more playmates in bed, for the next line of cocaine, for more possessions – the evident victors in the global competition of systems have totally consumed the fields of love, reason and wisdom that previously sustained them.

We are living in a world of separation and, as people, we are being separated into camps. Old/young, poor/rich, ugly/beautiful – in order to make us adapt with maximum energy to an image of humanity that has been forced on us. We see the successful young entrepreneurs in the newspapers and notice: that's not who we are. We see the old former presidents and notice: that's not who we are. But what are we then? Are we not in the first instance ourselves. Are we not in the first instance a living organism which longs for love and affection? A living organism which is immensely powerful and which has immense potential?

Seed of Life shows that to share a new "possibility" is to stand together. Eye to eye. We haven't come to found a new religion, to judge the world or to gather devotees around us. We are here to remind each individual person of the potential that s/he carries inside.

Our first step in this direction involves honesty of thought, sincerity of spirit and inner serenity.


Seed of Life is a free, international movement, creative and non-violent, which advances new human perspectives, which makes a contribution, so that the different points of view can unite, so that new companies, products and perspectives can come into being which will help us to understand that we are the guardians of life. Our central focus is the value of life. We are the change that we want to see in the world. Everyone for themselves, and yet together. For life!