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.Youth Future Project

Seed of life supported the conference of the Youth Future Project in Bonn.

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The idea for the Youth Future Project was born out of the ambition to bring young people together with laureates of the Right Livelihood Award.

Our future concerns everyone. Laureates of the Right Livelihood Award not only developed innovative theoretical approaches to developing solutions, but also practice what they preach. They turn their thoughts into practical initiatives. We aim to inform young people about their ideas and enable them to take action.
The Youth Future Project will create a worldwide community in cooperation with the laureates and many international supporters, striving to raise awareness of sustainability among our generation.

During the preparatory work we discovered many interesting concepts and initiatives, which haven't received any awards yet, but are none the less important pioneers for the future.

Our project idea is developing dynamically ever since... for example has the long-term desire awakened, to link all of the existing projects for the future, sustainability, human rights and environmental protection - so we can achieve a real change of course in our society by pulling on it together - "for right livelihood and sustainable development".

Based on the conference from September 14th - 19th 2010 with 120 young people and over 20 laureates of the Right Livelihood Award developed following Manifesto: Download Manifesto

More Information:


.Assistance from Seed of life

  • Structuring
  • Arranging of conferences and on-site help
  • Workshop concepts and recurrent theme throughout the event
  • Strengthening the youth as equal partners relating to the award receivers with the indication, that every single story in life is important to have it all come together in the end as one big story
  • To win more participants, PR work and help with smaller


Seed of Life is a free, international movement, creative and non-violent, which advances new human perspectives, which makes a contribution, so that the different points of view can unite, so that new companies, products and perspectives can come into being which will help us to understand that we are the guardians of life. Our central focus is the value of life. We are the change that we want to see in the world. Everyone for themselves, and yet together. For life!