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.Youth Future Project

Seed of life supported the conference of the Youth Future Project in Bonn.

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"Young people are the pearls of the universe and it is our job to make sure they will glare."

Angelika Bendig



…and you give what you feel like giving...

We are convinced that life has a meaning. The meaning of giving yourself, the meaning of giving one's strength to life and thus prospering. We are convinced that the meaning is to develop. We are acting in the NOW, so that the world of the future is different from the world in which we have lived. Full of joy and with the meaning: to live. We believe in the multitude of thoughts and knowledge, we believe that we are able to support one another and to have more than enough to share.

Our projects may be different, but our intention is the same.

The only question: "how does that serve life?"

How do we bring that which has become motionless, that which surrounds us, into motion, so that we can make life flourish again?

We exclusively support projects that give life back to people and to nature.

To achieve this, we work with companies to release blockages, develop new products, fascinating new kinds of sensual events, new methods of economics and of social interaction. The central theme of all projects: life in its infinite variety. Life in its power, its freedom and expansion.

We renounce the rigidity of the economy, we are moving forward on new paths to bring people back where they belong: into life.

We believe that even small projects for human development will achieve miracles. However, to see this development, we are moving via theory to practice. We are realising them.

How do you imagine the world in which you live? What needs to change?

... and what are you prepared to give to achieve that change?

It doesn't matter if you're the best taxi driver, the best storyteller, the best baker, the best carpenter or a visionary.

What we want is an insight into your dream of life.

What we want is to see who can support who.

When each person has enough for himself and we donate what we love, then that is the opposite of the current system.

Take a look at the projects and at the people who are walking this path. Contact us if you have something you want to change.

We look forward to meeting you.


Seed of Life is a free, international movement, creative and non-violent, which advances new human perspectives, which makes a contribution, so that the different points of view can unite, so that new companies, products and perspectives can come into being which will help us to understand that we are the guardians of life. Our central focus is the value of life. We are the change that we want to see in the world. Everyone for themselves, and yet together. For life!