"Young people are the pearls of the universe and it is our job to make sure they will glare."
Since a long time my intention is to support young people to go their own personal path, no matter what they experienced before. During my work with school defenders and young "intensive criminals" for Youth at Risk in the USA and UK I've got the insight, that no young person leaves home or takes drugs because it is "nice", but because their circumstances of life are in a way disappointing and irksome that this seems to be the lesser evil.
So my intention is to support young people - individual or in groups - following their dreams and developing their strengths even against resistances, not only in my profession.
One result out of this is my engagement in the school subject "Happiness" - also called "life competence" or "self esteem" - which started 2007 in a school in Heidelberg. Since then I engage in establishing this subject in Hamburg. Last year we started the first pilot project with a Gymnasium, which gave us a lot of insight - and other schools started with different concepts.
If you have the same dream and there is any form of cooperation you need please do not hesitate to contact me and let us make it real.